Partnership with Gathering Table
(formerly Children's Memorial)
“In the City for Good”
Children's Memorial Lutheran Church was closed as a church in January 2018. Following a year of synodical administration, the decision was made to begin a new Synodically Authorized Worshipping Community in the same location called Gathering Table.
Led by Pastor Ann Rundquist, they offer ministry that welcomes people gathering at a dinner table to provide for basic needs of food and at the Lord's Table so they hear and experience the gospel, enable a full expression of the mission and purpose of the church. Free meals are offered to the community four days a week. They provide clothing, blankets, a thrift store, and basic health classes. They also have fellowship opportunities to strengthen the fabric of their community.
Salem provides food and volunteers to serve meals and share in fellowship with the people of the Gathering Table on a Saturday morning six times a year. For more information about the Gathering Table check out their Facebook page!