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2025 Stewardship Campaign

In the coming weeks, please consider what Salem means to you as individuals and families. We invite you to prayerfully consider completing a 2025 Statement of Intent and a Time & Talent survey and bringing them to worship on Commitment Sunday, Nov. 17.

CLICK HERE to view/print the 2025 Statement of Intent. Please fill out one per household.

CLICK HERE to view/print theTime & Talent survey. Every person in your household should fill out their own survey.

Multiple options exist to present your Statement of Intent. You can:

  1. Place it in the offering plate at Sunday worship.
  2. Drop it off at the church office during office hours.
  3. Mail it to the church office.
  4. Email it to the financial secretary.

Thank you for supporting Salem in your faith journey. Your commitments impact Salem mission partners and those whom we serve.