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Staff Trax

Daily Friendship with God

No matter how seemingly small or insignificant our daily lives may be, the heart of a fulfilling relationship with God lies in our willingness to speak to Him as a friend. In the quiet moments, in the briefest of prayers, or even in a simple acknowledgment of His presence, we cultivate a bond that transcends the little things.

God doesn't measure our worth by the grandeur of our deeds, but…

God’s Love and Grace

In today's world, where we have distractions and challenges throughout our day, we find comfort in the knowing of God's love and grace, as Jesus reminds us in Matthew 10:24-39. Amid the noise and trials of modern life, God's love stands as an anchor, assuring us that He is always aware of our struggles and deeply values each one of us. His grace, freely given, is sufficient to sustain us through…

Mother's Day

On Mother's Day, as we celebrate remarkable women who have nurtured and shaped our lives, it's important to remember the power of silent prayers. While we openly express gratitude and shower our mothers with love, there's a sanctity in holding certain prayers close to our hearts. Just as a mother's love often goes beyond what is said, our silent prayers carry a depth of emotion and intention that…

This Time at Easter

As we gather in fellowship during this Easter week, let us embrace the message of redemption and renewal. Let us open our hearts to the transformative power of love and forgiveness, extending grace to ourselves and others. May this Easter be a time of spiritual rebirth, where we emerge from the shadows of doubt and fear into the radiant light of faith and hope. Let us carry the message of Easter…

Love Jesus

What a great week it was! It started with a Super Bowl win, and continued with Ash Wednesday with the start of Lent and Valentine’s Day to focus on the loved ones in our lives. Specifically, we tend to focus on our spouse, partner, or significant other. While there is nothing wrong with celebrating Valentine’s Day and spending time with our loved ones, it is important that we do not overlook…

A New Year

The start of a new year — new goals … new resolutions … a fresh start to try something new or improve on oneself.

Maybe we will change habits that we do. Our lives change when our habits change for better or for worse and are one of the most powerful influences in our lives.

Praying and daily reading is to focus on oneself. Pick early morning before the house wakes up, even…

Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining

Another year is coming to an end, and there is so much to be grateful for. Most of the year in my Staff Trax I speak of giving gratitude, being in prayer, giving thanks daily, and helping others around you.

With the positive energy that you develop when giving gratitude and staying positive throughout your day, you will have fewer days that are not so gloomy. People who focus on the positive…

Treasure Every Moment

Treasure every moment that you have, and treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with. Remember that time waits for no one.

Enjoy life; don’t worry about the future. There is no better time than right now to be happy, and happiness is a journey, not a destination.

There is so much uncertainty in life, so much that is beyond…


There are many times that we go through challenges in our lives. We pray for guidance to help us through those times. But is that enough?

I start my morning with prayer, giving thanks for what I have and what God helps me with. I pray for my family and loved ones, and end with a prayer for myself. The prayer I ask is for guidance, protection, and many other personal thoughts. It’s a conversation…

Making Room for God

We all have busy days, and busy weeks. We have kids going to school, taking care of the house, yard, your financials, car repairs … and the list goes on.

Finding time to set aside for prayer can sometimes be put on the back burner. We often fear the difficult experiences of life such as illness, loss of loved ones, and financial hardships, only to discover that these experiences can bring…

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