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Staff Trax


With a new beginning, an ending usually comes. The beginning of a new year is the end of the old one.

For me, it is the end of my time at Salem. I have enjoyed my time getting to know you and your church. It's been said that God brings people into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime, and while my season with Salem is ending, I know without a doubt that the reason God brought…

The Shepherds and the Good Shepherd

The Gospel reading this week is Luke 2:1-14, but I would like to write about Luke 2:1-20, because I find the shepherds fascinating. Most of the sermons I heard in childhood only talked about how Jesus was born in a stable and how he was just wrapped in what they had to keep him warm. I want to focus on the shepherds.

During the time that Jesus was born, shepherds were considered lowly,…


I don’t know how many of you know this, but I am a historian at heart. My bachelor’s degree focused on Latin American history, but I took a lot of U.S. history classes. I thought it would be interesting to look at Thanksgiving as we know it today. I must remind myself and some family members that it isn’t just about football. GO CHIEFS! But I digress.

I remember as a child thinking…

If We Believe

I do not know about you, but when we read this week’s Gospel reading (John 11:32-44) in staff meeting, I was drawn to the section that if we believe, we will see the glory of God and that God always hears us. Our prayers will always get an answer, whether it be yes, no, or not now.

The crowd questioned Jesus, saying that if he could open the eyes of a blind man, he could have healed…

The Left Turn

I know that the Staff Trax normally discusses either personal things or the Gospel, but this week I am taking a left turn and looking at the New Testament and not the Gospel reading. This week, the New Testament verses are from Hebrews.

In the beginning, Hebrews 1:1-4 it talks about how in the Old Testament days, the people of God heard from prophets, but now we hear from Christ. Isn’t that…

Miracle Worker

In this week’s Gospel, Jesus said to a Syrophoenician woman, “Let the children be fed first, for it is not fair to take the children's food and throw it to the dogs.” But she answered him, “Sir, even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs.” Then he said to her, “For saying that, you may go — the demon has left your daughter.” So she went home, found the child…

Hello, Salem Lutheran Church!

My name is Laura Higbee, and I am the new office administrator. I am a lifelong Kansan who currently lives in Lawrence. I am married to my wonderful husband, Sam, and we have two cats: Shalom Michael and Cyrus Daniel. Yes, we gave our cats middle names. We have been married for 10 years, together for 11. We are serious board gamers, so if you want to be bored to sleep, feel free to ask me about…