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Staff Trax

Sad Goodbyes and New Beginnings

Springtime brings forth change every year. Everything is new, bright, and warm. Color is everywhere. We feel motivated to change or organize. Maybe spruce things up. We have the anticipation that summer will be upon us very soon.

This week marked my last week of employment at Salem. I will miss this church and especially the people so much. It is such a close-knit community of people who…

Spaces of Worship

Recently I came back from a trip to New Orleans. I have been there many times in the past but never really paid attention to all the different worship spaces in that city. The old historic churches in the downtown area are beautiful, with large brick exteriors and beautiful stained-glass windows.

However, just because these buildings are amazing on the outside does not mean they are full…

Faith and Belief

As we continue through the season of Lent, I find myself thinking a lot about faith and believing. These words have strong meaning and identify my Christian life.

Faith and belief are foundational parts of our lives as Christians. There is a difference between them even though we tend to look at them as having the same meaning.

A belief is a state of mind and does not push us to…

Healing Prayers

When we pray for someone who is sick or gravely ill, it feels different than when we speak to God in our prayers every day. We may be asking for a miracle or for comfort and peace. We may feel that we are completely surrendering ourselves to God as we ask for healing for someone we care about. We ask God to give the doctors the knowledge to heal, or we may say to God that if it is in your will to…

Christmas Perspective

We are in the middle of the Christmas season. Everything is rushed and busy. There are so many things to do.

The holiday season also finds us helping those in need more than any other time of the year. We adopt families, provide meals, purchase Christmas gifts, and give our time to people during the holiday season.

The holidays can tend to be very lonely for many people. It is a…

Football Lessons

The weather has cooled significantly, and the leaves have changed. We are also in the middle of football season. I know that not all of us are interested in football, and that is just fine. We all have different interests in life. I just happen to be very focused on football. I have learned the game, which has helped, and I really enjoy watching it. However, I also feel guilty about the time and…

Why Faith?

Why is faith so important in our lives as Christians? Faith allows us to believe in something that we cannot see, feel, or touch. Matters of God require us to believe and rest on the Word of God.

In the Old Testament, God would reveal Himself to His people in amazing ways. People would have faith in God, but some would go back to worshipping idols.

In the New Testament, Jesus walked…

A Good Habit

One of the best habits that we can establish in our lives is reading our Bible daily. A Bible feeds you mentally just like food feeds you physically.

Man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
— Deuteronomy 8:3 (ESV)

No matter what our mood is for the day, reading a few verses can calm us and set us on the…

To Forgive and Be Forgiven

Have you ever found it difficult to forgive someone? Why is it so hard to do sometimes?

If we can forgive, we are letting go of blame and suffering that we are holding inside. This can lead to pain and depression if we are not able to move on.

To not forgive can make you exhausted. You think about it too much. It can…

A Father’s Role

Father’s Day is Sunday, June 18. The role of a father originated with God, our Heavenly Father, and is both a role and a calling. It is an important one to love and care for children as God loves and cares for us.

Just as we look at God as our protector, we look at our father the same way.…

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