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Blessed to Be a Blessing

As we prepare to remember and give thanks for the blessings in our lives this November, I am reminded of the text from Hebrews 13:16: “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”

Yet, the invitation to generosity can make a lot of us uncomfortable. Is it because the truth of God’s abundance challenges worldly messages of scarcity?…

The Gospel Knows No Borders

The comment, “The Gospel knows no borders,” underscores what it means to be the body of Christ in the world. Though territorial boundaries, political divisions, and differences of language, culture, and ethnicity may separate us, our Christian faith proclaims that we are part of something much larger — the body of Christ united in God’s mission for the world.

The opportunity to travel…

Clinging to Hope

Recently, children and youth from Salem and Overland Park Lutheran churches proclaimed the word through song, recounting the power and might of the God of Israel who answered the Prophet Elijah’s prayers with fire from above, consuming a water-soaked altar and the prophets of Ba’al.

Unfortunately for Elijah, upon hearing the news, Queen Jezebel vowed to kill God’s prophet. Fearful…

Nostalgia is a Pipe Dream

Although I love history, I am beginning to learn that nostalgia is a pipe dream. When we select idealized memories to fit the current narrative of our lives, we risk oversimplifying the challenges, struggles, and complexities of the past.

Reflecting on the powerful lure of nostalgia, Brené Brown, professor, author, and podcaster, says that when we compare the “good old days” to today,…

Theology in the Doing

“To say that we are one in Christ is more than a pious platitude,” writes Michael Casey. “It is a mandate that we are called to make a reality.”

Only unity seems almost impossible these days, doesn’t it? Our world is coming apart at the seams. Wars rage, people seem more interested in shouting at one another instead of listening for understanding, societal ills continue to grow,…

Three Simple Words

Love one another. Three simple words, yet how difficult they are to live by. “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another,” proclaims Jesus as he shares a final meal with his disciples before his arrest and crucifixion (John 13:34).

Though the command seems clear enough, some may ask, “How do I love others when I am challenged to love members of my own family? How…

Learning to Let the Wind Blow Through You

Walking the country roads of Kansas has helped me to appreciate the power of antiquated windmills. I am fascinated by windmills because I, like Don Quixote, the eccentric “mad knight” in the musical Man of La Mancha, find myself tilting at the windmills that come my way more often than I would like them to. The adversaries, both real and imagined, are worthy opponents, often…

God Winks

My soul longs, indeed faints for the courts of the Lord;
my heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God.
— Psalm 84:2

Have you ever been so preoccupied with life that you end up overlooking the surprising and unexpected ways that God shows up as you go about the routine activities of everyday life?

I must admit that sometimes I can become so fixated…

Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus

During Advent, many congregations sing the beautiful hymn “Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus.” For good reason. The hymn speaks of our desire to be set free from our fears and sins while also expressing a need for Jesus, the “joy of every longing heart.”

When evening falls on Dec. 24, Advent will finally give way to Christmas, a time when many of us will gather for Christmas Eve worship…


Emery Nester tells a story about a lost hiker stranded in the wilderness. Hopelessly lost, the hiker worried about finding a way out of the dense forest, until, by chance, the hiker encountered another wilderness wanderer. “I am lost,” said the hiker. “Will you please show me the way out of the wilderness?” “No,” replied the stranger, “I cannot show you the way out of the wilderness,…

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