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Staff Trax

Expect the Unexpected

We are in one of my favorite seasons in the church year — Epiphany, where we relive the moments when Jesus is revealed to us as the Son of God. In last week’s Gospel from Luke, Jesus reads Isaiah’s prophecy in his home synagogue. He tells them that He is the one anointed to proclaim good news to the poor, proclaim freedom for the prisoners, recover sight for the blind, and set the oppressed…

The Signs of Epiphany

This Sunday we will celebrate the Magi giving their precious gifts to Jesus, as we prepare for the season of Epiphany. Did you know that many countries celebrate gifts from the Magi instead of Santa? Children in Latin America write letters to the Magi detailing their good behavior and asking for presents, while children in Spain leave straw in their shoes by the door for the Magi’s horses on the…

Calm During the Holidays

As I try to stay calm and focused, working through all of the details for what is happening in the next few weeks, I’m taking a moment just for me. I’ve lit a fire in my fireplace, made a mug of chai tea, and I am breathing deeply. My guess is that everyone is feeling a bit overwhelmed right now as we prepare for the holidays.

One of the calming moments I’m looking forward to are our…

How You Live

There’s a beautiful song called “How You Live” by Point of Grace. It talks about taking chances and living life to the fullest by loving yourself and others. Here are some of my favorite lines:
“Don’t run from the truth, ‘cause you can’t get away — just face it and you’ll be ok.”
“So give to the needy, and pray for the grieving, even when you don't think that you can.”

We Are Connected

Meaningful connection is formed when we bravely share our truth.

Between services that the youth led on Oct. 6, they discussed connection in Sunday school. I’m completely biased, but I think this group of kids is an amazing example of connection and community! I was so proud of their leadership in worship on Sunday, not only their choices of scriptures, prayers, and songs, but also their…

Salem Responds

If you were in worship on Sunday, Aug. 25, you heard an impassioned request by Renee Loya to show up for an important meeting the very next night. Sixteen Salem mission partners and friends did, and many of them agreed to help me write my Staff Trax this week. I want to thank Renee, Pastor Jon, Jenn, Jim, Cathy, Chris, Jen, Janice, Matt, and Lorel for giving me their perspectives and allowing me…

Empowering Our Youth

When I was a kid, my favorite Sunday school teachers and youth leaders were ones who listened. They asked us questions, encouraged us to talk about our thoughts and opinions, and had discussions instead of lectures. I remember crowding around a couch in the narthex during a youth hangout, feeling safe enough to talk about tough teenager issues, with our youth leader validating our feelings. This…

Your Kingdom Come

After reading this Sunday’s gospel lesson, I’ve been thinking about how many different ways we are growing God’s kingdom. In Mark 4, Jesus talks about scattering the tiniest mustard seed, which grows into a large plant and provides a home for others in its shade. I love that picture of sharing our faith for so many reasons: we may feel that it’s small, but we share it anyway. As we send…

Summer Excitement!

Salem is doing amazing things this summer!

  • May 25-June 2, we are taking a team of adults on a mission trip to Guatemala.
  • June 9-15, our middle school confirmands are going to Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp in the Colorado Rockies.
  • June 17-20, we are diving into friendship with God together with Overland Park Lutheran…

Palms to Passion

The great dichotomy Sunday is upon us: where we begin with Hosannas and celebration and quickly move to the story of Christ’s passion and betrayal. Holy Week continues as we show Christ’s love by serving each other on Maundy Thursday and contemplate His sacrifice with beautiful music in the Good Friday Tenebrae service.

I love the word dichotomy: it is a contrast between two things,…

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