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Teach Us, O Lord, To Obey

Grace and peace to you from God our Creator, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, who abides in which of us. Amen

We are so accustomed to the story of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection that I don’t really believe that we can fully appreciate how hard it must been for those first disciples to listen to Jesus and comprehend what he was telling them. At the…

The Upload

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

I pray you have had a blessed week!

As you know, over the past several years, Salem has made a very concerted effort to be missional. That is, our goal is to be active in God’s mission in the community around us so that we might be a place that is active in sharing the Gospel and offering hope to a broken world.

One of the key ways we…

Teach Us, To Follow

Grace and peace to you from God our Creator, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, who abides in which of us. Amen

As I was reading our Gospel story this morning you might have been sitting there saying, hey, haven’t we already read this story this year? Well, yes, we have read parts of this story on two different occasions in the past five weeks. On the first…

The Upload

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

I pray you have had a blessed week!

Later this year, on August 9, to be exact, Jill and I will celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary. We met while we were still in high school, and after dating for over four years, as Jill would say, “We finally got married!” You know, when you’ve been together as long as we have, you have…

Teach Us, To Repent!

Grace and peace to you from God our Creator, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, who abides in which of us. Amen

This past Sunday, we read the story of Jesus’ Transfiguration and in that story, God speaks and as I noted on Sunday, what makes that story so powerful for me is that when God speaks, it is the only time he speaks directly to us humans in the gospel.…

Time To See With Our Ears

Grace and peace to you from God our Creator, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, who abides in which of us. Amen

Just five weeks ago we began the Season of Epiphany. Now, the word epiphany comes from the Greek word epiphaneia, which means “disclosure” or “unveiling,” so in the early church the term began to be associated with those times when God…

The Upload

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

I pray you have had a blessed week!

This time of year, time moves so quickly in the church. I mean, it seems like just yesterday that we were celebrating Christmas and now, in just a few days, we will gather to begin the Season of Lent. Yes, Ash Wednesday is next week. That means that this Sunday our men’s ministry groups will be holding…

Healed To Serve

Grace and peace to you from God our Creator, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, who abides in which of us. Amen

Our story today takes place in Capernaum. You see, we know this because today’s gospel is a continuation of our story last week and last week we read that Jesus and his disciples were in Capernaum. This is the archeological site of Capernaum today.…

The Upload

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

I pray you have had a blessed week!

Do you ever get so busy you just can’t focus? Do you ever get so busy that you forget what it is that you are supposed to be doing? I know I do, and I find it very frustrating. As I read through our Gospel text for this coming Sunday, Mark 1:29-39, I had to wonder, was Jesus so busy with healing folks…

The Upload

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

I pray you have had a blessed week!

This past Sunday, Salem held its annual meeting. Over 90 confirmed members came to the meeting to talk about Salem’s past and our future. We reviewed our ministries from the past year and we reviewed our financial status. We talked about what our future might look like, and the Past Presidents Advisory…

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