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Teach Us, Oh Lord, To Believe

Grace and peace to you from God our Creator, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, who abides in which of us. Amen

Happy Easter! I hope this day is truly a day of joy and celebration for all of you. But, I also hope, that those who come every week, those who come periodically and those who come today as a one-time thing that today causes you to think about what…

The Upload

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

I pray you have had a blessed week!

Last week, I spoke about how our lives can change in an instant, but as I wrote that letter, I had no idea how true that would be for us here at Salem this Holy Week. Last Saturday morning, as I was working around the house, I received a call from Alan Uhl that his son, Victor, had died suddenly. Then, on…

Teach Us, Oh Lord, To Love

Grace and peace to you from God our Creator, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, who abides in which of us. Amen

As we do every year on Maundy Thursday, we once again hear Jesus say, “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another just as I have loved you” (John 13:34). What does it mean to love as Jesus loved? In the washing of his disciples’ feet,…

Teach Us, Oh Lord, To Live With Tension

Grace and peace to you from God our Creator, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, who abides in which of us. Amen

Tension! Life is filled with tension. Now, for most of us, when we think of tension, we immediately think of conflict. But, tension isn’t conflict. Conflict is literally a state of disharmony, or to put it more bluntly it is a state of open fighting.…

The Upload

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

I pray you have had a blessed week!

Well, here we go! This Sunday is Palm Sunday. Ever since I was a little boy, I can remember waving palms on Palm Sunday. At the church I grew up in, we would start outside, no matter how cold it was, and the priest would read the story of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and then the entire congregation…

Teach Us, Oh Lord, To Die

Grace and peace to you from God our Creator, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, who abides in which of us. Amen

Our gospel story today is what most scholars would consider the end of Jesus’ public teachings in the Gospel of John. After this, Jesus teachings would be directed solely toward his disciples. But, as we come to the end of Jesus’ public ministry,…

The Upload

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

I pray you have had a blessed week!

I did my undergraduate work at the University of the Pacific where I majored in Business Administration. UOP had a great School of Business, but of all the schools that comprised the whole university, one of the most famous of the schools was the Conservatory of Music. Students from all over the world came…

Teach Us, O Lord, To Live Generously

Grace and peace to you from God our Creator, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, who abides in which of us. Amen

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life” (3:14-16). This might be the most recognized and memorized bible verse in the world. For many, this verse wasn’t something…

The Upload

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

I pray you have had a blessed week!

Earlier this week, I was reviewing my schedule and I realized that we are halfway through Lent already. That means we are only a couple of weeks away from Holy week and Easter. I pray that this has been a joyous and spirit-filled season of Lent for you.

This Sunday, our Gospel text is John 3:14-21,…

The Upload

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

I pray you have had a blessed week!

Spring is getting closer! While watching the weather report this morning, the meteorologist said that, beginning this weekend, a warming trend is on its way. Well, I don’t know about you, but I am ready for a warming trend. In fact, I am to the point that I really want to see the trees begin to bud and…

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