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Staff Trax

Theology in the Doing

“To say that we are one in Christ is more than a pious platitude,” writes Michael Casey. “It is a mandate that we are called to make a reality.”

Only unity seems almost impossible these days, doesn’t it? Our world is coming apart at the seams. Wars rage, people seem more interested in shouting at one another instead of listening for understanding, societal ills continue to grow,…

Come. Be Changed. Change the World.

Wow! I am amazed by how many congratulations and how much support I have received over the past few years and these past couple, and with good reason.

When I pulled up to Salem for the first time, I never knew that I would meet so many great new people.

From being confirmed, to reading my statement of faith, to us leaving Lenexa to move to the current worship space in Overland Park,…

Sad Goodbyes and New Beginnings

Springtime brings forth change every year. Everything is new, bright, and warm. Color is everywhere. We feel motivated to change or organize. Maybe spruce things up. We have the anticipation that summer will be upon us very soon.

This week marked my last week of employment at Salem. I will miss this church and especially the people so much. It is such a close-knit community of people who…

The Holy Spirit Came at Pentecost

This Sunday is Pentecost. We commemorate the birth of the church and wear red.

The Gospel for this Sunday is John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15. We celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit, sometimes called the Advocate or Helper.

The disciples were sad that Jesus was leaving, but he tells them not to despair, for he needs to leave so the Advocate can come.

“Nevertheless I tell…

Mother's Day

On Mother's Day, as we celebrate remarkable women who have nurtured and shaped our lives, it's important to remember the power of silent prayers. While we openly express gratitude and shower our mothers with love, there's a sanctity in holding certain prayers close to our hearts. Just as a mother's love often goes beyond what is said, our silent prayers carry a depth of emotion and intention that…

Summer Excitement!

Salem is doing amazing things this summer!

  • May 25-June 2, we are taking a team of adults on a mission trip to Guatemala.
  • June 9-15, our middle school confirmands are going to Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp in the Colorado Rockies.
  • June 17-20, we are diving into friendship with God together with Overland Park Lutheran…

Three Simple Words

Love one another. Three simple words, yet how difficult they are to live by. “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another,” proclaims Jesus as he shares a final meal with his disciples before his arrest and crucifixion (John 13:34).

Though the command seems clear enough, some may ask, “How do I love others when I am challenged to love members of my own family? How…

Spaces of Worship

Recently I came back from a trip to New Orleans. I have been there many times in the past but never really paid attention to all the different worship spaces in that city. The old historic churches in the downtown area are beautiful, with large brick exteriors and beautiful stained-glass windows.

However, just because these buildings are amazing on the outside does not mean they are full…

My Faith Story

When I think about what faith means to me, I sometimes don’t know what I’m going to write about. One of the powerful quotes that I always use when I talk about my faith is, “We are called to encourage, enlighten, and empower each other because we are all unique and different.”

The Bible verse I chose to talk about my faith is Joshua 1:9, and it states, “I hereby command you: Be…

Come Together

One of the nicest things to come from our worshiping at Overland Park Lutheran Church (OPLC) is the collaboration. We have been able to combine worship with another Lutheran church, and sometimes we have two Lutheran churches (Salem and OPLC) and a Presbyterian church. It is nice to see the differences not only between our church and the Presbyterian church, but also between us and another Lutheran…

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