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Staff Trax

Word Alone, Faith Alone, Grace Alone

Transition. Adjust. Adapt. Continue. Repeat. That sums up the last 7 months for me, how about you?

Something that keeps me grounded is remembering stories of those who have gone before us, and the things in their lives they have endured. If my grandmother can send her husband off to World War II with a baby on the way, and raise my dad alone for 18 months, I think I can handle learning how…

Weekend Getaway, Zoom Style

I recently participated in a Zoom spiritual gathering this past weekend. It was supposed to be in Wichita. It would have been nice to meet new people, but it was still a great experience. Changing it to a Zoom gave people all over the world a chance to also attend, so there were people from Canada to London, as well as from Florida to California, and in between.

The gathering started…

All Are Invited

Can you imagine having a wedding reception and no one wanting to come? All of the food and drinks are prepared, but no guests have shown up. Would you just go out and invite whomever you saw?

That is what the king in this Sunday’s Gospel reading did. He gave a wedding banquet for his son, but no one would come. He first sent his slaves to bring those who had been invited, but they refused.…

Are We Aware? Are We Moving Forward?

Please teach me how to reach
... and take me in the right direction
toward kindness, humility, and love ...
and away from judgment.

Recently in a discussion about prejudice I was reminded how my generation in the ’60s and ’70s may have been the first in my lifetime to really begin to think about inclusion. There was what appeared to be harmony at school, in sports, and at…

My Favorite Songs to Play and Listen to

We have talked so very much about the organ; let me talk about the sounds we derive from the organ. I love organ music. I am that person that can enjoy listening to organ music for hours on end. Over the years, I have learned that organ music requires a hearty appreciation.

This week, I want to share with you some of my favorite organ pieces; you are encouraged to Google them and listen:…

God is Good. All the Time.

And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. (2 Corinthians 9:8)

The year 2020 has been challenging for all of us. For most, it was March before things started to go south. Mine was already going downhill when the new year started. My father was a Vietnam veteran that…

Thanks for Being Generous

As I write this article, the temperature outside is 50 degrees. It is a chilly morning, and it makes me think of fall. If this were a normal church year, we would be preparing for Sunday school to start, and gearing up for our fall programs of hayrides, chili cook-offs, and other fall activities. But 2020 is not a normal year, and we will need to be creative in how we can stay connected.


Bloom Where You’re Planted

I’m a proud Army brat, which means I’ve moved A LOT. When my dad was a student, we moved every year, and when he became a company commander, we moved every 3 years. We moved to Germany when I was in 5th grade, and in that year I had 3 different teachers in 2 cities. I’ve had 13 different piano teachers.

And I loved it! It taught me to make friends quickly and keep them by…


What a road we have traveled these many years together in a house that we all love! This place has gone through many changes and has grown in so many ways, always working on giving to the community and spreading the word of God and His teachings and becoming a Reconciling in Christ church. We have had many births, lost many loved ones, held baptisms, and had members who have moved. New members have…

Learning to “Go with the Flow”

This would have been the first full week of school. Instead, our summer vacation has been extended to September. I really consider it a 6 month summer break at this point, since very little was accomplished academically after spring break. I call it a break, not a vacation; though we would like to have a summer getaway (we haven’t had a family vacation in 5 ½ years), I just don’t feel safe…

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