Posted on Jan 14, 2025 by Laura Higbee
With a new beginning, an ending usually comes. The beginning of a new year is the end of the old one.
For me, it is the end of my time at Salem. I have enjoyed my time getting to know you and your church. It's been said that God brings people into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime, and while my season with Salem is ending, I know without a doubt that the reason God brought me is a lesson that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.
During my time with Salem, I got to see what the servant’s heart truly is, as this congregation embodies it in the way they minister to all of God's people. Whether they attend your services or not and while I was only able to serve a short time, it was and is profound.
You all have so much to be proud of, and I am proud to be part of it for the time I was with you. I love your heart and passion for serving God, each other, and your local communities. I never ceased to be in awe of what you would do to make a difference with Pantry Pack to your neighbors who need food and how you all rallied for those in need of prayer. You all truly made a difference in my life.
Thank you,
Laura Higbee