Christmas Presence
Posted on Dec 17, 2024 by Jon Brudvig
I have a confession to make. As a child, I thought Christmas was all about presents, especially the ones with my name on them under the Christmas tree. Brightly colored packages that I hoped included items on my Christmas list. By making Christmas all about the presents, I now realize that I overlooked the gift that Christmas brings, the gift of presence.
The older and wiser version of myself has learned that the real gift of Christmas is not about hoped-for toys, bling, or gadgets that we think will make us happy. At its core, the true gift of Christmas is presence. The presence of family and friends spending quality time together over a shared meal, attending worship services, or in the laughter and joy of children experiencing the magic and wonder of Christmas.
Christmas also includes the presence of loved ones who now live in our memories. Although the pain of their absence in our lives remains, the lingering memories of Christmas past may also include a smile as we bask in the comforting glow and presence of a love that transcends even death.
But the true gift of Christmas — one busy and preoccupied people often take for granted — is Christ’s abiding presence in our lives. The Christ child’s birth is not a one-and-done event. The child born in Bethlehem long ago continues to come to us amid all the distractions and activities of our busy and overscheduled lives. In the unexpected generosity of a friend or colleague. In an unexpected reconnection with a long-lost friend or the restoration of a strained relationship. And in the abiding presence of the One who loves us unconditionally and accompanies us through life’s challenges, disappointments, and burdens.
If you, or someone you may know, desire to experience the gift of presence, please join us for worship at Overland Park Lutheran Church (7810 W. 79th St., Overland Park) this holiday season, beginning with a Blue Christmas worship service on Dec. 23 at 7:00 p.m. and continuing with three joint worship services planned for Christmas Eve — beginning at 5:30 p.m. with a family-oriented worship service led by Overland Park Presbyterian, followed at 7:30 p.m. by a Christmas Eve worship service led by Salem, and concluding with a Christmas Eve candlelight service led by Overland Park Lutheran at 9:00 p.m.
Wherever you may be this Christmas, may the joy, unconditional love, and presence of the Christ child bring healing, wholeness, and renewal to your lives.
Merry Christmas!
Pastor Jon