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Calm During the Holidays

As I try to stay calm and focused, working through all of the details for what is happening in the next few weeks, I’m taking a moment just for me. I’ve lit a fire in my fireplace, made a mug of chai tea, and I am breathing deeply. My guess is that everyone is feeling a bit overwhelmed right now as we prepare for the holidays.

One of the calming moments I’m looking forward to are our midweek Advent services. For the first three Wednesdays in December we will sing Holden Evening Prayer together, listen to meaningful reflections, and share peace and fellowship with treats. There’s also excitement before each worship service as the children prepare for their Christmas program, which they’ll present to us during our last Advent service on Dec. 18.

The youth are excited to bring back our tradition of packing Christmas meal boxes for Pantry Pack, which we will assemble together after the children’s Christmas program on Dec. 18. If you haven’t experienced this before, I hope you’ll join us this year! We will place 60 empty boxes on the ends of pews and walk around the sanctuary, placing 12 items of food in each box as we sing Christmas carols. Thank you to those who have signed up to donate food; if you would like to help, please sign up by Dec. 8. (CLICK HERE to sign up.)

In the meantime, as you work through your holiday to-do lists, don’t forget to take time for yourself. Do what brings you peace and comfort. Connect with those you care for and create time and space to enjoy these days together. Tell me what your favorite Christmas songs are so I can sing and play them for you during worship.

Celebrate the gift of Jesus coming to us as a baby.

In Christ’s love,
Heather Lewis
Director of Worship and Music
Director of Youth Ministry

Tags: Weekly Word