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Staff Trax

The Signs of Epiphany

This Sunday we will celebrate the Magi giving their precious gifts to Jesus, as we prepare for the season of Epiphany. Did you know that many countries celebrate gifts from the Magi instead of Santa? Children in Latin America write letters to the Magi detailing their good behavior and asking for presents, while children in Spain leave straw in their shoes by the door for the Magi’s horses on the…

The Shepherds and the Good Shepherd

The Gospel reading this week is Luke 2:1-14, but I would like to write about Luke 2:1-20, because I find the shepherds fascinating. Most of the sermons I heard in childhood only talked about how Jesus was born in a stable and how he was just wrapped in what they had to keep him warm. I want to focus on the shepherds.

During the time that Jesus was born, shepherds were considered lowly,…

Christmas Presence

I have a confession to make. As a child, I thought Christmas was all about presents, especially the ones with my name on them under the Christmas tree. Brightly colored packages that I hoped included items on my Christmas list. By making Christmas all about the presents, I now realize that I overlooked the gift that Christmas brings, the gift of presence.

The older and wiser version of myself…

Avoiding the Unquenchable Fire

This week’s Gospel begins with some strong words. John addresses the crowd who have come to be baptized by him with the words, “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?” I am sure those harsh words got their attention!

He goes on to say, “every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.”

According to

Calm During the Holidays

As I try to stay calm and focused, working through all of the details for what is happening in the next few weeks, I’m taking a moment just for me. I’ve lit a fire in my fireplace, made a mug of chai tea, and I am breathing deeply. My guess is that everyone is feeling a bit overwhelmed right now as we prepare for the holidays.

One of the calming moments I’m looking forward to are our…