If We Believe
Posted on Oct 30, 2024 by Laura Higbee
I do not know about you, but when we read this week’s Gospel reading (John 11:32-44) in staff meeting, I was drawn to the section that if we believe, we will see the glory of God and that God always hears us. Our prayers will always get an answer, whether it be yes, no, or not now.
The crowd questioned Jesus, saying that if he could open the eyes of a blind man, he could have healed Lazarus. We know he loved Lazarus. He openly wept at his death, but that wasn’t the end of the story. It isn’t the end of our stories either. Jesus wept. Then he raised Lazarus from the dead and gave him back to his family.
This hits home for me. As some of you are aware, we just lost my uncle-in-law a week ago. Earlier this year we lost my father-in-law. I am not saying this to look for sympathy, but for you to know where I am coming from with these verses.
Jesus wept, but it wasn’t the end. He knows when we are hurting as well. He hurts with us, but if we are baptized, it isn’t the end for us either. We will see Jesus in heaven, as well as those who have gone before us. I look forward to the day where I can meet Jesus, see family who has gone before, and meet the biblical heroes we all know.
Being baptized unites us with the church and so many other people. I rejoice that my Uncle Art is no longer suffering and I hurt for our family, but Uncle Art was a baptized member of a congregation, received communion, and was faithful until the end.
Even in this, God is showing His love and mercy to us by giving us peace, through these verses, that we will see Uncle Art again one day.
I ask you to continue to lift my family up in prayer, specifically for comfort for my cousins and their respective families. Thank you.
Laura Higbee
Salem Office Administrator