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Staff Trax

Salem Responds

If you were in worship on Sunday, Aug. 25, you heard an impassioned request by Renee Loya to show up for an important meeting the very next night. Sixteen Salem mission partners and friends did, and many of them agreed to help me write my Staff Trax this week. I want to thank Renee, Pastor Jon, Jenn, Jim, Cathy, Chris, Jen, Janice, Matt, and Lorel for giving me their perspectives and allowing me…

Abiding in Jesus

In this Sunday’s Gospel reading, Jesus teaches while in the synagogue at Capernaum that “Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them. Just as the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever eats me will live because of me.” (John 6:56-57)

According to

Clinging to Hope

Recently, children and youth from Salem and Overland Park Lutheran churches proclaimed the word through song, recounting the power and might of the God of Israel who answered the Prophet Elijah’s prayers with fire from above, consuming a water-soaked altar and the prophets of Ba’al.

Unfortunately for Elijah, upon hearing the news, Queen Jezebel vowed to kill God’s prophet. Fearful…

Hello, Salem Lutheran Church!

My name is Laura Higbee, and I am the new office administrator. I am a lifelong Kansan who currently lives in Lawrence. I am married to my wonderful husband, Sam, and we have two cats: Shalom Michael and Cyrus Daniel. Yes, we gave our cats middle names. We have been married for 10 years, together for 11. We are serious board gamers, so if you want to be bored to sleep, feel free to ask me about…