The Madness of May
Posted on May 02, 2023 by Shari Van Baale
We are now in the month of May. May is a busy month for everyone. There are proms, graduations, recitals, and Mother’s Day. Those with older children have been doing all of this for years. Others with young children are just starting the journey. Then there are those who are grandparents, who are in their second cycle of the madness of May.
The month of May rushes along at breakneck speed, one event after the next, until we finally reach Memorial Day weekend and can breathe a sigh of relief. We survived another school year and can ease into the lazy days of summer.
Being the mother of a soon-to-be high school graduate, I was looking for ways to slow down this month, to catch my breath. I came across this poem, by Catherine Pulsifer. It is a good reminder of all we have been through on the journey of the past 13 years of school, though it really began with the three years of preschool before kindergarten. It wasn’t always an easy path, and it took of a lot of prayer and patience, but we have made it!
“Graduation Day”
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Graduation day is finally here, your dreams you did pursue.
All your hard work has paid off, we are so very proud of you.
The nights of study, the projects due
You did them all and more too.
It has all paid off, your studying is done
We hope you make time to enjoy some fun.
Always remember life is a learning journey
Keep filling your mind with all that is worthy.
May the happiness you feel today
Be a feeling you keep as you go on your way.
May life be happy and good to you,
And may you find success in all you do.
Shari Van Baale
Salem Communications Coordinator