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Staff Trax

Hosanna in the Highest

This Sunday is Palm Sunday/Sunday of the Passion and the start of Holy Week. Salem children and youth will enter the sanctuary waving palms to commemorate Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem. They will read the Passion of Christ, the story of Jesus prior to his being arrested until his death on the cross. We will hear of his brutal suffering. But before that, we triumphantly shout Hosanna.

Stop and Listen

When was the last time you saw a burning bush speak to you? Well, maybe not that dramatic. When was the last time you spent some quiet time in prayer, listening?

The scriptures give us many miraculous ways that God has come and called God’s people. While those Biblical signs of God’s call are amazing, maybe the ways God calls us these days are even more amazing. Maybe it’s not a…

Hearts on Fire

Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and put a new and right spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10)

Lent is HEART work. A 40-day time of honest vulnerability when we are called once again to bare our broken hearts before God, trusting in God’s healing and renewing…

Come to the Well

I adore stories of Jesus going out of his way to engage with those who are shunned by others, like lepers, Zacchaeus, the woman at the well, the thief on the cross. He knew everything about them, yet still sought them out to heal, forgive, and bring them new life. It was these people as much as his devoted disciples who spread the good news of God’s love to their communities.

This Sunday…