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Staff Trax

God Moments During Lent

Take some time this week to think about the season of Lent. For some people it can feel dark and sad, and yet we should remember that our faith in God and His love for each of us is so important during this time.

Pay attention to God’s presence in your life. This will look a little different to each of us. We may notice it when we are at peace or when we are happy. We feel the love in…

Starting the Journey

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, which marked the start of Lent. We began our journey toward Easter. Ash was placed on our foreheads as a sign of remembrance, showing others our belief in Christ. It usually is in the shape of a cross, reminding us of our sin and that Jesus died on the cross for us.

According to the

Give Thanks

Every evening I reflect on the day and give thanks. I do this in the morning, as well. Giving thanks about what my day will entail, for whom I will be seeing, traffic, places I visit, etc. Though I have not started my day outside of my house, I am already giving thanks for the good day I will have.

This sets up my day to be blessed with all that I am thankful for. From the people I meet…

What Is God up To?

One day a pilot returned his plane to the mechanic’s shop with the complaint, “Unfamiliar noise.” Remarkably, the plane was back in service the very next day. The pilot, eager to find out what caused the problem, checked the logbook to see what the mechanic had discovered. The entry noted, “Ran engine continuously for four hours. Noise is now familiar.”

The story raises…

Called to Season and Shine

This Sunday in Matthew, Jesus is telling us to be salt and light to the world. We have lots of great examples of being the light: Jesus is the Light of the world; the Light shines in the darkness; “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine!” But, let’s face it, salt is tricky. Salt can be exactly what you need, but can completely overpower if there’s just a little too much. If…