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Staff Trax

Everyday Saints

On Sunday, Nov. 6, we will once again gather to celebrate All Saints Day. During the worship service we will call out by name Salem’s mission partners who have died during the year and give thanks to God for the newly baptized.

On All Saints Day we hold in our hearts all those who have gone before us: grandparents, parents, siblings, spouses, children, relatives, and friends. It is…

How Do You Describe Your Faith?

I have a dear friend who didn’t grow up in the church and decided to read the Bible to figure out his faith. I regret not suggesting he start with the New Testament and then go back to the Old — he got so bogged down by all of the laws and stories of God’s wrath that he never got to the stories of Jesus and God’s love and mercy. Much later we both went through a very difficult time, and…

Don’t Be Discouraged

There are many times that we go through challenges in our lives. We pray for guidance and to help us through those times. But is that enough?

I start my morning with prayer, giving thanks for what I have and what God helps me with. I then pray for my family and loved ones, and end with a prayer for myself. The prayer I ask is for guidance, protection, and many other personal thoughts. It’s…

Columbus Day in Kansas

While this coming Monday is the federal holiday known as Columbus Day (also known as Indigenous Peoples’ Day in some states), did you know that the state of Kansas celebrates neither?

In case you have forgotten what you learned in history class, Christopher Columbus was a European explorer who set sail in August 1492 (remember the old rhyme, “In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue…”?)…