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With Patience Joy Will Come

It has been an interesting 2021. When will things get back to how they were and we can continue where we left off? Time always tells, and patience is what we will need from here on out.

The three readings for today all speak of what joys will come for those who followed Jesus — through the tough times, the sick, the weeping of sorrow, the blind, and many others.

We all have gone through so much this past year, and some are still going through many troubles. Times are not easy for many. I pray every day for my health, my strength, and the protection of my family and friends to get me through the day and to bring my family home safely. To give me guidance, patience, and protection of what comes my way.

I meet many different people throughout my day, and every day is different. The good days and the bad days go hand in hand. Everyone will have obstacles to get through each day, take different paths, make different choices, and all will have to carry their own cross; it’s unavoidable.

I reflect on where I was last year at this time, and the things that were happening, places starting to open, people going back to work, traveling starting, family gatherings, and much more.

This will all get better. It probably will not turn out like we expect it to, but change is good. Adapting to what comes our way is what we all have to adjust to. We all have done this before, and we all got through it. It was tough at times throughout your life, and some will need more help than others, but we will see the joy in the many things we do.

I first read the readings earlier in the week and thought about how I was going to write this to not make it sound so muddled, but organized and truthful. I look for the joys I have every day, everything I have, everything I do, and always pass my prayers to others. Help when you can, pray all day long, and have patience. The joy will come in your everyday life.

Rob Garza
Salem custodian and certified personal trainer at DROM Fitness

Tags: Weekly Word