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Are We Aware? Are We Moving Forward?

Please teach me how to reach
... and take me in the right direction
toward kindness, humility, and love ...
and away from judgment.

Recently in a discussion about prejudice I was reminded how my generation in the ’60s and ’70s may have been the first in my lifetime to really begin to think about inclusion. There was what appeared to be harmony at school, in sports, and at social events, but church was unbelievably different regarding inclusion. You did not see signs outside of a church that said “All Are Welcome!” Sadly, many of our friends were met with some form or other of comments at home, more often than not with words sometimes disguised as “humor.” Subtle but real, unfounded superiority of race, religion, and nationality. Gender preference was unspoken until Liberace appeared on Ed Sullivan. Some of the jokes were not subtle, and I remember proudly the many times when my mom stood up to people and businesses with no tolerance for their jokes and was met with genuine surprise or a rude comment.

There was an absolute need to unlearn some very misdirected ideas and behaviors, and some power brought us together and took us in a better direction. Assassinations of peacemakers and race riots in the late ’60s were painful lessons about the ravages of hate, a deadly infection that far surpassed COVID.

“You not only can live a new life but you also can grow in grace and power and beauty. Reach ever forward and upward after the things of the spirit. Lead me, Lord, by the light of truth into right action.”

Toni Graham
Child Care Coordinator

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