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Be Still and Know that I am God

Psalm 46:10 reads, “Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among nations. I will be exalted in the earth.”

In the midst of conflict and the unknown we are best served when we open our thoughts up to the understanding that we can at any moment step back. That we can become at any moment, willing. That we can at any moment let go of controlling outcomes. We are no longer the children who became petulant when things didn’t go our way. What? Okay that will be a work in progress for the rest of my life. But hopefully as adults we learn that right action is developed by mental exercise.

Personally this consists of habitually reading daily meditations EVERY morning. I struggled getting through just a few at first, but now I cannot wait to get my coffee and begin reading. I continue gaining a better understanding of what I can and cannot control. My thoughts bring new actions instead of immediate reactions. My thoughts tell me to be of service to others and gain some perspective regarding what I think is a tough day.

So when the unthinkable or the unexpected event happens that challenges us emotionally we have a choice. We surely do! A choice to be still. To just stop! Stop trying to control outcomes. Accept that God will be with you when you face change and that this is 99.9% when we grow.

It is in challenges that I am strengthened. For me personally I found that if I could just believe in a power greater than myself, which I choose to call God, I am comforted. I now have absolute confidence that God is in control. I have prepared myself spiritually. What seemed insurmountable to me on March 9th of 2018 became the catalyst of change in my life. That was the day I ceased fighting.

“Be still and know that I am God.” He is and I’m not. What a concept.

Toni Graham
Child Care Coordinator

Tags: Weekly Word