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"Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven."
— Matthew 5:16b

From Carmen to Declan to Payton to Piper, and this coming Sunday, Avery — five baptisms! It has been a long time since in my ministry a congregation has had five baptism in five months! The rich experience
of each one of these siblings has brought to our ministry we share. Here at Salem we have made an addition to the rite of baptism by having the children make promises, as well as parents, sponsors, and the adults. The children promise to sit by these new members in Sunday school, pray for them, laugh with them, and help them find the really good snacks downstairs. They say together, “We will!”.

At their retreat, Church Council made the decision to gathering on Feb. 29 — “Leap in to Salem’s Future: We’re All In This Together.”All ages, cultures, ethnic backgrounds, family blends, all gender identities, physical and mental abilities, races, and sexual orientations we welcome are in this mission together.

Recently a colleague gave me plastic card to put in my shower that has a prayer:
"Lord, as I enter the water to bathe, I remember my baptism. Wash me by your grace. Fill me with your Spirit. Renew my soul. I pray that I might live as your child today and honor you in all that I do. Amen."

Remember you are a child of God and have been blessed by God to be a blessing to others!

Pastor Cynthia Schnaath

Tags: Weekly Word