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From the Covenant Agreement for an Interim Ministry

From the Covenant Agreement for an Interim Ministry Between Salem Lutheran Church and Pastor Cynthia Schnaath

In Holy Baptism, we are called by the promises of God into a relationship of faith toward God and love toward one another. This relationship finds expression in our gathering as congregations of the Church to hear God's Word, eat and drink at the Lord's Table, and minister to the needs of our community and God's world.

As Lutheran congregations, we call pastors to lead and assist us in our ministry; to teach, admonish, and reprove us according to the Gospel; to counsel, comfort, and guide us in the love of God; and to oversee the events and activities of our common life.

The interim period between a former pastor's leaving and a new pastor's coming affords us an opportunity to reflect on our past, evaluate our present, and dream toward our future as God's people.

So, we begin our work together. For the next couple months, I will be meeting with staff, council, committee leaders, and members to share the story of Salem Lutheran Church. I will be curious and ask lots of questions. I know a lot of work has been done in the past to develop your purpose and vision for the community, but as interim and an outsider, I can put a new set of ears and eyes on the situation.

I plan to give the office staff my weekly schedule, but I plan to be in the office Monday - Thursday. Friday will be my day off. So give me a call, drop by, and tell your story of Salem.

Pastor Cynthia Schnaath

Tags: Weekly Word