Worship is an act in which we both glorify and encounter God. For Christians, it is the most important communal act in which we participate, and it allows us to celebrate the love of God found in Christ Jesus. Through the hearing of the word, receiving of the sacraments, and being in community, God fills us with his Holy Spirit and nourishes us.
We offer two worship opportunities on Sunday mornings at Overland Park Lutheran Church (7810 W. 79th St., Overland Park):
- 8:30 a.m. — Traditional worship service in the chapel: This worship service offers a traditional Lutheran liturgy, is accompanied predominantly by the organ and piano, and offers communion at the rail.
- 11:00 a.m. — Contemporary worship service in the sanctuary: This service combines more traditional worship styles with contemporary music and worship styles. This worship service does not use specific liturgies, and music is led by our worship band. This service offers creative opportunities to offer our praise to the LORD and is much less formal than the traditional worship service.
Whatever style of worship you prefer, we would love you to join us as we come together before the LORD, singing his praises and making a joyful noise with gladness in our hearts.