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Staff Trax

God is Good. All the Time.

And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. (2 Corinthians 9:8)

The year 2020 has been challenging for all of us. For most, it was March before things started to go south. Mine was already going downhill when the new year started. My father was a Vietnam veteran that…

Thanks for Being Generous

As I write this article, the temperature outside is 50 degrees. It is a chilly morning, and it makes me think of fall. If this were a normal church year, we would be preparing for Sunday school to start, and gearing up for our fall programs of hayrides, chili cook-offs, and other fall activities. But 2020 is not a normal year, and we will need to be creative in how we can stay connected.


Bloom Where You’re Planted

I’m a proud Army brat, which means I’ve moved A LOT. When my dad was a student, we moved every year, and when he became a company commander, we moved every 3 years. We moved to Germany when I was in 5th grade, and in that year I had 3 different teachers in 2 cities. I’ve had 13 different piano teachers.

And I loved it! It taught me to make friends quickly and keep them by…


What a road we have traveled these many years together in a house that we all love! This place has gone through many changes and has grown in so many ways, always working on giving to the community and spreading the word of God and His teachings and becoming a Reconciling in Christ church. We have had many births, lost many loved ones, held baptisms, and had members who have moved. New members have…

Learning to “Go with the Flow”

This would have been the first full week of school. Instead, our summer vacation has been extended to September. I really consider it a 6 month summer break at this point, since very little was accomplished academically after spring break. I call it a break, not a vacation; though we would like to have a summer getaway (we haven’t had a family vacation in 5 ½ years), I just don’t feel safe…

New Beginnings

We all have had and will continue to have a multitude of new beginnings. Which means there must be new endings. Jobs, marriages, divorces, graduations, children, natural disasters, unnatural disasters, girlfriends and boyfriends. A long list for sure.

New beginnings bring emotions that run the gamut from utter bliss to utter despair. Fortunately our lives aren’t swinging like an overwound…

More Information about Pipes

On the piano, you are only able to sound one note at a time. The organ is vastly different. By playing one note, I can play upwards of 3-6 notes at the same time, depending on the stops and couplings.

As mentioned before, the organ pipes are divided into two categories: flues and reeds. The flues are divided into a few sound descriptions. First, the principal voices, which are not…

Go in Peace. Serve the Lord.

I’m Lisa Hughes, the new secretary for Salem Lutheran Church. Originally from Texas, I consider myself to be a Kansan, since I have lived here more than half of my life. (I came to Kansas in 1987.) I moved to Wyandotte County in 1998. I live in a community of Kansas City, Kansas, called Turner with my husband, Ralph; 18-year old son, Peter; 28-year old stepdaughter, Hannah; and fur baby, Jack.

Things are Changing in Koinonia!

I just wanted to give an update on how things are changing here at the Koinonia building! We have moved the crosses from the church to the building. The big one from the sanctuary is now hanging in K-Hall. The rose cross…

Whose Leadership Are You Grateful For?

I am, without a doubt, my father’s child. He was a teacher, performer, extreme optimist and extrovert. I strive to be more like my mother. She is a therapist, devoted to helping others, amazing listener and supporter. My parents taught me to bloom where I’m planted, weigh pros and cons before a decision, always follow through, and joyfully love family and friends.

My other mentors were…

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